Module 1
Working stress method: Introduction- permissible stresses-factor of safety –behaviour of R.C.C beams –assumptions-under reinforced –over reinforced and balanced sections. Theory of singly and doubly reinforced beams.
Working stress method: Introduction- permissible stresses-factor of safety –behaviour of R.C.C beams –assumptions-under reinforced –over reinforced and balanced sections. Theory of singly and doubly reinforced beams.
Module 2
Limit state method: Concepts-assumptions –characteristic strength and load- partial safety factors-limit states-limit state of collapse –limit state of serviceability. Theory of singly and doubly reinforced rectangular sections in flexure-design of simply supported and flanged beams.
Limit state method: Concepts-assumptions –characteristic strength and load- partial safety factors-limit states-limit state of collapse –limit state of serviceability. Theory of singly and doubly reinforced rectangular sections in flexure-design of simply supported and flanged beams.
Module 3
Behaviour and design of one way and two way slabs-Continuous slabs-analysis using method recommended by BIS -arrangements of reinforcement in slabs. Design of flat slab.
Behaviour and design of one way and two way slabs-Continuous slabs-analysis using method recommended by BIS -arrangements of reinforcement in slabs. Design of flat slab.
Module 4
Design of columns: Limit state method- I S specifications-design of columns with lateral and helical reinforcement-members subjected to combined axial load and bending.
Design of columns: Limit state method- I S specifications-design of columns with lateral and helical reinforcement-members subjected to combined axial load and bending.
Module 5
Design of footings-Isolated footing with axial and eccentric loading-combined footing. Stair cases-introduction to different types-design of simply supported flights-cantilever steps.
Design of footings-Isolated footing with axial and eccentric loading-combined footing. Stair cases-introduction to different types-design of simply supported flights-cantilever steps.
Relevant IS codes. (I.S 456, I.S 875,SP 16)
Park R and Pauloy T, Reinforced concrete structures, John Wiely & sons Inc.
Purushothaman P, Reinforced concrete structural elements-Behaviour, Analysis and Design, Tata McGraw Hill publishing company Ltd.
Unnikrishna Pillai S. & D.Menon, Reinforced concrete design, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company Ltd.
Mallick S.K., Reinforced concrete, Oxford & IBH Publishing company.
Varghese P.C., Limit state design of Reinforced concrete, Printice Hall of India Pvt Ltd.
Ashok .K. Jain, Reinforced concrete- Limit state design, New Chand & Bose.
Park R and Pauloy T, Reinforced concrete structures, John Wiely & sons Inc.
Purushothaman P, Reinforced concrete structural elements-Behaviour, Analysis and Design, Tata McGraw Hill publishing company Ltd.
Unnikrishna Pillai S. & D.Menon, Reinforced concrete design, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company Ltd.
Mallick S.K., Reinforced concrete, Oxford & IBH Publishing company.
Varghese P.C., Limit state design of Reinforced concrete, Printice Hall of India Pvt Ltd.
Ashok .K. Jain, Reinforced concrete- Limit state design, New Chand & Bose.
mg university syllabus S5 Civil