Mg university syllabus S5 Electrical & Electronics
1. Design and testing of clipping, clamping, RC integrator and differentiator circuits – Display of Transfer characteristics on CRO.
2. Design and testing of rectifier circuits – Half wave – Full wave (centre –tapped and bridge) circuits. Filter circuits.
3. Zener regulator design and testing.
4. BJT, FET and UJT characteristics.
5. Design and testing of CE amplifier – frequency response.
6. Design and testing of RC coupled and feedback amplifiers.
7. FET amplifier.
8. Sweep circuits – UJT and BJT based sweep generators – sweep circuit using constant current source (BJT).
9. Design and Testing of RC phase-shift Oscillator and LC Oscillator.
10. Design and Testing of Astable and Bi-stable Multi-vibrators.
11. Relay driving circuit using transistors.
12. Study of IC power amplifiers.
Simulation of the above circuits using EDA tools like pSPICE. (Any experiment relevant to E 403 may be added)
1. Electronic Principles: A.P. Malvino – TMH
2. Electronic Devices: Floyd – Pearson Education, LPE
3. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory: Robert L. Boylestad and Louis
Nashelsky, Pearson Education Asia, LPE.