Review of signals and systems: Introduction – advantages and limitations of Digital Signal Processing. Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters – Signal Flowgraph- Basic Network structure for IIR filter- Direct- Cascade- Parallel Forms. Design of IIR Digital filters from analog filters- Butterworth design- Chebyshev design- design based on numerical solutions of differential equations- Impulse Invariant Transformation.
Review of signals and systems: Introduction – advantages and limitations of Digital Signal Processing. Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters – Signal Flowgraph- Basic Network structure for IIR filter- Direct- Cascade- Parallel Forms. Design of IIR Digital filters from analog filters- Butterworth design- Chebyshev design- design based on numerical solutions of differential equations- Impulse Invariant Transformation.
Module 2
Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters: Linear phase FIR filters- Frequency response of linear phase FIR filters – Location of the zeros of linear phase FIR filters. Realization of FIR- cascade – lattice design-Fourier Series method- using windows-rectangular- triangular or Barlett windows- Hanning- Hamming- Blackman- Kaiser windows.
Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters: Linear phase FIR filters- Frequency response of linear phase FIR filters – Location of the zeros of linear phase FIR filters. Realization of FIR- cascade – lattice design-Fourier Series method- using windows-rectangular- triangular or Barlett windows- Hanning- Hamming- Blackman- Kaiser windows.
Module 3
Discrete fourier Transform: Properties-Circular convolution- Linear Convolution using DFT- relation between Z- Transform and DFT- Fast Fourier Transform; decimation – in time and Frequency – FFT algorithms – General Computation using Radix 2 algorithm.
Discrete fourier Transform: Properties-Circular convolution- Linear Convolution using DFT- relation between Z- Transform and DFT- Fast Fourier Transform; decimation – in time and Frequency – FFT algorithms – General Computation using Radix 2 algorithm.
Module 4
Finite word length effects in digital filters: Introduction- Number Representation – Fixed Point- Sign-Magnitude – One’s-complement- Two’s – complement forms -Addition of two fixed point numbers- Multiplication in Fixed Point arithmetic – Floating point numbers- Block floating point numbers- quantization – truncation- rounding – effects due to truncation and rounding- Input quantization error – Product quantization error – Co-efficient quantization error- zero-input limit cycle Oscillations – Overflow limit cycle Oscillations – Scaling- Quantization in Floating Point realization IIR digital filters – Finite Word Length Effects in FIR Digital Filters- Quantization effects in the Computation of the DFT- quantization errors in FFT algorithms.
Finite word length effects in digital filters: Introduction- Number Representation – Fixed Point- Sign-Magnitude – One’s-complement- Two’s – complement forms -Addition of two fixed point numbers- Multiplication in Fixed Point arithmetic – Floating point numbers- Block floating point numbers- quantization – truncation- rounding – effects due to truncation and rounding- Input quantization error – Product quantization error – Co-efficient quantization error- zero-input limit cycle Oscillations – Overflow limit cycle Oscillations – Scaling- Quantization in Floating Point realization IIR digital filters – Finite Word Length Effects in FIR Digital Filters- Quantization effects in the Computation of the DFT- quantization errors in FFT algorithms.
Module 5
Applications of digital signal processing: Speech Processing- speech analysis- speech coding- sub band coding- channel vecoder- homomorphic vecoder- digital processing of audio signals- Radar signal processing- DSP based measurements systems. Equi ripple FIR design- PCM DSP chips- a general study.
Applications of digital signal processing: Speech Processing- speech analysis- speech coding- sub band coding- channel vecoder- homomorphic vecoder- digital processing of audio signals- Radar signal processing- DSP based measurements systems. Equi ripple FIR design- PCM DSP chips- a general study.
mgu university syllabus electronics
1. Digital signal processing: Ifechor- Pearson edn.
2. Desecrate time signal processing: Oppenhiem- Pearson edn.
3. Digital signal processing: Oppenhiem and Sheffer- PHI
4. Introduction to Digital signal processing: Johny R Johnson
5. Digital signal processing: Proakis and Manolakis.
6. Digital signal processing: P Ramesh Babu- Scitech Pub.
2. Desecrate time signal processing: Oppenhiem- Pearson edn.
3. Digital signal processing: Oppenhiem and Sheffer- PHI
4. Introduction to Digital signal processing: Johny R Johnson
5. Digital signal processing: Proakis and Manolakis.
6. Digital signal processing: P Ramesh Babu- Scitech Pub.