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Retarded potentials: Radiation from an A.C current element monopoles and dipoles-power radiated from a dipole isotropic radiators- radiation pattern-radiation intensity-directive gain-power antenna efficiency-effective area-effective length and aperture-Reciprocity theorem-radiation resistance-antenna beam width.
Module 2
Antenna array: Classifications-Broad-side, End-fire arrays, Array of n- point, two point sources, multiplication of patterns -binomial array-stacked array folded dipole- reflector-Basic principles of antenna-parabolic reflector different methods- Chebyshev arrays- super directive arrays.
Module 3
VLF and LF transmitting antennas-effects of ground on antenna-performance-grounded antennas-effects of antenna height and effective height of antenna-medium frequency antennas-dipole antennas-V and inverted V antennas-Rhombic antenna-traveling wave antennas-folded dipole, Yagi-Uda antenna-Basic principles of radio direction finding-loop antennas, Microstrip antennas.
Module 4
Factors involved in the propagation of radio waves: the ground wave-Reflection of radio waves by the surface of the earth-space wave propagation-considerations in space wave propagation-atmospheric effects in space wave propagation-ionosphere and its effects on radio waves -mechanism of ionosphere propagation-refraction and reflection of sky waves by ionosphere-ray paths-skip distance-maximum usable frequency-vertical and oblique incidence-fading of signals – selective fading-diversity reception, Duct Propagation.
Module 5
Antenna measurements: Input impedance- SWR method- radiation pattern measurements- beam width measurements-gain measurements-measurements of radiation resistance -radiation efficiency.
mgu university b.tech syllabus electronics
1. Antennas and wave propagation – K. D. Prasad
2. Antennas  – John Krauss, Mc Graw Hill
3. Antenna theory and design- A. Ballanis
4. Radio Engg   – F E Terman, Mc Graw Hill.