Module 1
Complex Integration: Line Integral –Cauchy’s integral theorem- Cauchy’s integral formula-Taylor’s series-Laurent’s series- zeros and singularities- Residues- residue theorem-Evaluation of real integrals using contour integration involving unit circle and semicircle.
Complex Integration: Line Integral –Cauchy’s integral theorem- Cauchy’s integral formula-Taylor’s series-Laurent’s series- zeros and singularities- Residues- residue theorem-Evaluation of real integrals using contour integration involving unit circle and semicircle.
Module 2
Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Successive bisection method-Regula falsi method – Newton –Raphson method – solution of system of linear equations by Jacobi’s iteration method and Gauss-Siedel method.
Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Successive bisection method-Regula falsi method – Newton –Raphson method – solution of system of linear equations by Jacobi’s iteration method and Gauss-Siedel method.
Module 3
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation: Taylor’s series method- Euler’s method –Modified Eulers method – Runge – Kutta method (IV order)-Milne’s predictor corrector method.
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation: Taylor’s series method- Euler’s method –Modified Eulers method – Runge – Kutta method (IV order)-Milne’s predictor corrector method.
Module 4
Z – Transforms: Definition of Z transform- properties –Z transform of polynomial functions – trigonometric functions, shifting property, convolution property- inverse transform – solution of 1st & 2nd order difference equations with constant coefficients using Z transforms.
Z – Transforms: Definition of Z transform- properties –Z transform of polynomial functions – trigonometric functions, shifting property, convolution property- inverse transform – solution of 1st & 2nd order difference equations with constant coefficients using Z transforms.
Module 5
Linear programming: graphical solution – solution using simplex method (non – degenerate case only) – Big-M method,two phase method- Duality in L.P.P.- Balanced T.P. – Vogels approximation method – Modi method.
Linear programming: graphical solution – solution using simplex method (non – degenerate case only) – Big-M method,two phase method- Duality in L.P.P.- Balanced T.P. – Vogels approximation method – Modi method.
mgu university syllabus electronics
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics – Ervin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern limited.
2. Numerical methods in Engineering & Science – Dr. B.S.Grewal, Kanna Publishers.
3. Higher Engineering Mathematics – Dr. B.S.Grewal, Kanna Publishers.
4. Numerical methods in Science & Engineering – Dr. M.K.Venkitaraman, National Publishing company.
5. Quantitative techniques Theory & Problems – P.C.Tulsian, Vishal Pandey, Pearson Education Asia.
6. Complex variables and applications – Churchill and Brown, McGraw-Hill.
7. Operations research – Panneer Selvam, PHI.
8. Engineering Mathematics Vol. III -S Arumugam, A.T.Isaac, A.Somasundaram, Scitech publications
9. Advanced Mathematics for Engg.students Vol. III- S.Narayanan, T.K.M.Pillay, G.Ramanaigh, S.Vishwananthan printers & publishers.
2. Numerical methods in Engineering & Science – Dr. B.S.Grewal, Kanna Publishers.
3. Higher Engineering Mathematics – Dr. B.S.Grewal, Kanna Publishers.
4. Numerical methods in Science & Engineering – Dr. M.K.Venkitaraman, National Publishing company.
5. Quantitative techniques Theory & Problems – P.C.Tulsian, Vishal Pandey, Pearson Education Asia.
6. Complex variables and applications – Churchill and Brown, McGraw-Hill.
7. Operations research – Panneer Selvam, PHI.
8. Engineering Mathematics Vol. III -S Arumugam, A.T.Isaac, A.Somasundaram, Scitech publications
9. Advanced Mathematics for Engg.students Vol. III- S.Narayanan, T.K.M.Pillay, G.Ramanaigh, S.Vishwananthan printers & publishers.