Module 1
Introduction to operational amplifiers – Basic differential amplifier – dual input balanced output and unbalanced output- Internal block schematic of op amp – Pin identification- power supply requirements – typical data sheet – Op-amp parameters – ideal op amp – transfer curve – equivalent circuit- open loop configurations – frequency response of op amps – compensating networks – slew rate and its effect.
Introduction to operational amplifiers – Basic differential amplifier – dual input balanced output and unbalanced output- Internal block schematic of op amp – Pin identification- power supply requirements – typical data sheet – Op-amp parameters – ideal op amp – transfer curve – equivalent circuit- open loop configurations – frequency response of op amps – compensating networks – slew rate and its effect.
Module 2
Op amp in closed loop configuration: Different feed back configurations- Voltage series feedback and voltage shunt feedback – concept of virtual ground- voltage follower – V/I converters and its applications – Differential amplifiers with one op amp and 3 op amps- Use of offset minimizing resistor (ROM) and its design.
Op amp in closed loop configuration: Different feed back configurations- Voltage series feedback and voltage shunt feedback – concept of virtual ground- voltage follower – V/I converters and its applications – Differential amplifiers with one op amp and 3 op amps- Use of offset minimizing resistor (ROM) and its design.
Module 3
Op amp applications- Summer- Subtractor- Log amplifier- Antilog amplifier- Comparators: zero crossing- using voltage reference- regenerative (Schmitt trigger) comparators- Astable and monostable multivibrators- Triangular and sawtooth wave generators- Integrator and differentiator- RC phase shift and Wien bridge oscillators-Sample and hold circuit- Peak detector circuit.
Op amp applications- Summer- Subtractor- Log amplifier- Antilog amplifier- Comparators: zero crossing- using voltage reference- regenerative (Schmitt trigger) comparators- Astable and monostable multivibrators- Triangular and sawtooth wave generators- Integrator and differentiator- RC phase shift and Wien bridge oscillators-Sample and hold circuit- Peak detector circuit.
Module 4
Filters and timers: LPF- HPF- BPF- Notch and all pass filters- I order and II order filters- Switched capacitor filter- Switched capacitor integrator. 555 timers – Functional block diagram- Astable multivibrator, monostable multivibrator and its applications.
Filters and timers: LPF- HPF- BPF- Notch and all pass filters- I order and II order filters- Switched capacitor filter- Switched capacitor integrator. 555 timers – Functional block diagram- Astable multivibrator, monostable multivibrator and its applications.
Module 5
Specialized ICs and applications: Voltage regulator ICs – 78XX and 79XX series- 317 variable regulators- 1723 switching regulators- 566 VCO chip- Phase locked loop(PLL) – capture and lock range- 565 PLL – PLL applications: Frequency multiplication and division- AM demodulation- FM detection- FSK demodulation – LM 380 power amplifier – intercom using LM 380- 8038 Function generator chip – applications.
Specialized ICs and applications: Voltage regulator ICs – 78XX and 79XX series- 317 variable regulators- 1723 switching regulators- 566 VCO chip- Phase locked loop(PLL) – capture and lock range- 565 PLL – PLL applications: Frequency multiplication and division- AM demodulation- FM detection- FSK demodulation – LM 380 power amplifier – intercom using LM 380- 8038 Function generator chip – applications.
mgu university syllabus electronics
1. Op amps and Linear Integrated circuits: Ramakand Gaykwad- PHI publications.
2. Op amps and Linear Integrated circuits: R F Coughlin- Pearson Education.
3. Op amps and Linear Integrated circuits: Ravi Raj Dudeja- Umesh Publications.
4. Linear Integrated circuits: Roy Choudhary & Jain- Wiely Eastern Publications.
5. Integrated circuits: K R Botkar
2. Op amps and Linear Integrated circuits: R F Coughlin- Pearson Education.
3. Op amps and Linear Integrated circuits: Ravi Raj Dudeja- Umesh Publications.
4. Linear Integrated circuits: Roy Choudhary & Jain- Wiely Eastern Publications.
5. Integrated circuits: K R Botkar